Wednesday 2 November 2016

Room 16's Trip to Auckland Museum

Our trip to Auckland Museum

Today, the 2nd November, we travelled by bus to the Auckland Museum to learn more about the Volcanoes of Auckland. 

We took the opportunity while we were there to visit the Maori centre of the Museum, to look at the patterns and symbols used in Maori carving and art.

After having some lunch we did a self-guided tour of the Volcano Trail. A highlight of this for us all was the Volcano House, in which we saw a mixed media show projecting what it would be like if a new volcano erupted in Auckland. 

We then went in to a classroom for a session about Volcanoes with an educator. We learnt about the likelihood of a volcanic eruption, how to be prepared, the different types of volcanic eruptions, and the different types of volcanic rocks. The students got to handle volcanic rocks and had a go at identifying them.

Tuesday 1 November 2016

Food for Thought Programme rewards us!

Last week Mrs Ashford collected the lunchboxes and magnetic daily meal planners from PAK'n'SAVE for us. These had been promised to us as a reward at the end of the Food for Thought programme that we did in Term 2 earlier this year. After a bit of a wait, we had enough for one for every Year 5 kid to take home! Room 16 helped to hand them out. We were very pleased and excited to get them.

Thanks to Andy and the Food for Thought programme sponsors.

Sunday 9 October 2016

Room 16 movies from our Food for Thought Inquiry are now available to be viewed on You Tube. This is a private page so please use the link below to view the clip.

Saturday 24 September 2016

On Monday 19th September the Year 5 team held a Mini Olympics afternoon. The children had the challenge of designing the events, working out how much equipment would be needed, and getting everyone in to teams. Some of the children volunteered to 'run' each event and the teams rotated around them all.